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Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Our Agreement to Support Families

Albuquerque Public Schools

Title I 2019-2020 District Family Engagement Process and Procedural Directive

The Albuquerque Public Schools Title I Department shall publish a Family Engagement Support Agreement that informs parents/legal guardians within the district of the ways the Department supports Family Engagement at the schools and within the district. The Family Engagement Support Agreement shall be the response to parent/legal guardian requests for a shorter, more understandable document explaining the work of the Title I Department in providing Family Engagement support to participating Title I schools. The following bulleted items explain in detail the items that are contained in the Family Engagement Support Agreement.

  • The Title I Department shall notify parents/legal guardians, through the Title I website and information brochures, of their right to be involved in the review and improvement of the Title I program, and of the fact that the Title I Program Plan becomes part of the District Consolidated Application .
  • The Title I Department shall provide support and technical assistance to Title I schools in posting to their websites, the 90 Day Plan/NM Dash in a Word or PDF format. An alternate format will be provided in hard copy available in the school office.
  • The Title I Department, through orientation, ongoing professional development, and ongoing onsite support, shall provide support and technical assistance to Title I schools in planning and implementing effective family engagement activities focused on the improvement of student academic achievement in reading, math, science, and overall school performance.
  • The Title I Department shall build the schools’ and parents’/legal guardians’ capacity for strong family engagement by:
    • Providing materials and resources to schools to assist them in helping the families of students being served in Title I schools to understand state standardized and school assessments, and how to access information on their child’s progress.
    • Providing materials to schools, such as Family Reading Party books and materials and DVD’s for checkout on various parenting topics.
    • Providing materials and information at the ongoing Title I Family Engagement Professional Development meetings regarding best practices in how to build relationships and have two-way conversations with parents/guardians, how to develop a welcoming environment, and how to encourage parents/guardians to access school resources and increase participation/engagement at the school.
    • Providing support and professional development to Title I Principals and office staff regarding best practices in creating a welcoming environment.
    • Providing information to schools on how to access services from the APS Translation Services program in order to develop materials, as much as is practical, for parents/guardians in a language they can understand.
    • Providing a Family Engagement Resource Teacher to provide professional development and resources to assist schools and parents/guardians in planning and carrying out effective family engagement activities. Title I Resource Teachers shall monitor parent/legal guardian involvement during their compliance visits bi-annually.
  • The Title I Department shall collaborate with other APS departments and community organizations to maximize results for family engagement.
  • The Title I Department Family Engagement Program shall hold parent/legal guardian meetings annually with the purpose of reviewing and/or revising the District Family Engagement Support Agreement and the Title I District Family Engagement Process and Procedural Directive.
    • The Title I Department, in collaboration with the APS Office of Accountability and Reporting (OAR) shall collect and analyze data from parent/legal guardian surveys to determine Best Practices in Family Engagement within the district and to share that information with all Title I schools. The information shall be made available on the Albuquerque Public Schools website.

Parents are children’s first and most influential teachers. Learn more about Title I Family Engagement.

Filing a Complaint

The Title I department shall accept and investigate complaints from organizations or individuals with respect to applicable or covered programs. The complaint shall:

  • be written
  • be signed by the complaining party or his or her designated representative
  • contain a statement that the department has violated a requirement of a federal statute or regulation that applies to the program
  • contain a statement of the facts on which the complaint is based and the specific requirement alleged to have been violated

Impartial Review and Decision

  1. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Title I department shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing and shall:
    • conduct an impartial investigation which shall include a review of all relevant documentation presented and may include an independent on-site investigation; and
    • give the complainant the opportunity to submit additional information, either orally or in writing, about the allegations in the complaint; and
    • review all relevant information and make an independent determination as to whether the Title I department is violating a requirement of an applicable federal statute or regulation.
  2. A written decision, which includes findings of fact, conclusions and the reasons for the decision, and which addresses each allegation in the complaint, shall be issued by the Title I Department and mailed to the parties within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the written complaint.

More Information

For a complete version of the State of New Mexico Complaint Procedure, see NMACd 6.10.3.

  • Administrative Position: Chief Academic Officer
  • Department Director: Title I Executive Director/Title I Family Engagement


  • Legal Cross Ref.: Section 9101(32), ESEA NMAC6.10.3
  • Board Policy Cross Ref.: KB Family and Community Engagement
  • Procedural Directive Cross Ref.: Title I 2017-2018 District Family Engagement Support Agreement
  • NSBA/NEPN Classification:KB
  • Adopted: January 28, 2010
  • Revised August 16,2018